The benefits of a bilingual brain

The benefits of a bilingual brain


Words & Synonyms

  1. Situation: circumstance, position
  2. Proportion: portion, percentage
  3. Subordinate: inferior
  4. Bias: prejudice
  5. Attention: notice, consideration
  6. Strengthen: reinforce
  7. Complex: complicated, sophisticated
  8. Remarkable: notable
  9. Additional: more, supplementary
  10. Rational: logical, sensible
  11. Apparent: clear, visible
  12. Proficient: expert, skilled
  13. Critical: severe, strict
  14. Continue: to go on
  15. General: common


  1. How many types of bilingualism are there in the process of language learning and can all types of bilingual people become fully proficient in a language?
  2. Why do children learn a language more easily than adults?
  3. What are some advantages of multilingualism for the brain?
  4. Was bilingualism considered in the past as it is today?


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