When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do

آموزش زبان انگلیسی و آیلتس با آکادمی آیلتس فکاری

یکی از بهترین راه های یادگیری زبان انگلیسی، برای یادگیری ووکب و گرامر، خواندن متن است. این مهارت به شما کمک میکنه که نه تنها دانش زبانی خودتون رو افزایش بدید، بلکه یکی از سریع ترین راه های یادگیری کلمات انگلیسی برای آمادگی آزمون آیلتس هم هست. به این صورت که شما در دل یک متن به چندین کلمه و عبارت برمیخورید که شاید براتون جدید باشه، و چون اون کلمات رو در کاربرد صحیح خودش یاد میگیرید، خیلی بهتر در ذهن شما ثبت میشه و بعدا هم خیلی راحت تر میتونید ازش استفاده کنید. مثلا، برای افرادی که میخوان برای آزمون آیلتس یا تافل آماده بشن، خوندن متن یکی از ضروری ترین تمرین ها به حساب میاد. پس بریم که این متن رو با هم بخونیم.


When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do

It is rather fallacious to imagine yourself as a different person in different situations. This fallacy originates from the above-mentioned old saying. It is required that you change your seemingly queer behavior just because it will sound marked in a new situation. You fear the idea that the majority will poke fun at you if you behave according to your norms. You have to develop a flexible character just to satisfy the majority. You shrink from the idea that if you don’t live up to their standards, you will be a fish out of water. 

Never fear! Take your chances! You might fall on hard times at first, but little by little you will be integrated into the new conditions. Sometimes, it sounds crystal clear that by following the majority you will find yourself in the middle of nowhere. In doing so, you won’t know whether you are on your head or heels. Who says the majority is always right? They have been conceded in so many cases. Use your own wisdom to sort out the sheep from the goats. It is not a God-given rule to always be right. It is a rule passed by human beings who are all fallible ones. Never commit yourself to following the majority just because you are in Rome. You might make the Romans follow you. So, when in Rome do as you wish, not as the Romans do. 

One more thing which is quite noteworthy is that you have lived with your own character for ages. Your long-lived fixed character will not make it feasible for you to go with the wind and moreover, you will never ever admire a moody personality changing regularly. In some circumstances, if a person of solid personality is made to act the other way round, his behavior will sound more hypocritical rather than a true and honest one since he has to act reluctantly. He has to show himself as a totally different person. He has to bow to the new regulations just because he is in Rome. One must never forget the fact that new regulations are said to have confounded whoever has made an attempt to liken themselves to the Romans. It is certainly at these very moments that things go pear-shaped in the extreme. 

In certain conditions, if you stand on the opposite side, your stance will undoubtedly be outstanding, exclusive, and noticeable. To prove yourself and confound others, you need to lower your hand when the rest raise theirs. 

Your exclusive stance might lead you to be treated as a black sheep, but never lose your high morale. Everything depends on your perseverance. Persevere with your own perspective and then you will enjoy the obtained results in the wake of your effort. In certain conditions, you might imagine that you are actually a square peg in a round hole, but being yourself will mean that you respect yourself, as a result of which you will get above yourself. I would like to direct my attention to the substantially important concept of Islamic dressing, mainly the matter of hijab. Some women have been observed to disgracefully change into the Romans’ clothes as soon as they pass the borders. They claim that they have to change since they are in Rome. How ridiculous! You will certainly find it quite difficult to tell them apart. They seem to have a kind of flaw in their character. 

The problem gets exacerbated when you choose to reside in a foreign country. If you live up to the old saying and stick to the standards of that country, you will have to say your farewell to whatever history you had behind. You will have to violate your basic norms. You will have to make yourself go on a par with new conditions against your will. You will have to devalue your personal norms and eventually disparage yourself just because you had been advised to do as the Romans do. Nobody intimidates you into developing a new unfamiliar character for yourself, you are just recommended to do so. So it is up to you to take it or to leave it. Reject it so as not to forget your own way of life. 

To make our long story short, one thing is necessary to be added as a final word. Today, it has become a rule of thumb for everyone that honesty is already over. With all the two-faced people rambling around, there will remain no doubt that you must step on your own road and stand on your own dignity. Follow your own way, keep your own feet, and act according to your own rights. The rest will step away if you do not welcome them. No matter if the Romans won’t welcome you with open arms. What matters is that you welcome your own personality.

ریدینگ آزمون آیلتس:

در آزمون آیلتس جنرال و آکادمیک، به ترتیب پنج و سه متن با چند نمونه سوال مختلف وجود داره. که یکی از چالش برانگیزترین تیپ سوال‌ها، comprehension questions یا سوال‌های درک مطلب است. برای موفقیت در پاسخگویی به این سوال‌ها حتما باید درک درستی از متن داشته باشید و بهترین راه برای تمرین کردن این سوال‌ها، خوندن متن و پاسخ دادن سوال‌های مربوط به متنه. حالا بریم باهم چندتا سوال درک مطلب رو جواب بدیم.


Comprehension questions

1. What does the expression “When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do” mean in the passage?

2. Why does the author argue against always following the majority?

3. What does the author suggest about maintaining one’s own character in different situations?

4. How does the author view the idea of conforming to new regulations in a foreign country?

5. What example does the author give to illustrate the concept of standing out and being true to oneself?

6. What is the author’s overall message or advice regarding personal identity and behavior in different circumstances?

اهمیت واژگان:

یکی از پرکاربردترین متد‌های پاسخگویی به سوال‌های ریدینگ، استفاده از Key words یا کلمات کلیدی متن است. برای موفقیت در این قسمت شما باید دامنه لغات کافی و مفیدی داشته باشید؛ که به شما کمک میکنه سوال‌ها رو با سرعت بیشتر و درصد خطای کمتری پاسخ بدید. در اینجا مهم‌ترین لغات متنی که با هم خوندیم رو اضافه کردم. بریم باهم این لغات رو بخونیم و کاربرد صحیحش در جمله رو یاد بگیریم.



1. Fallacious (adjective) – based on a mistaken belief or deceptive reasoning

Example: It is fallacious to assume that all cats hate water; some actually enjoy swimming.

2. Imagine (verb) – to form a mental image or concept of something

Example: Close your eyes and imagine yourself on a beautiful tropical island.

3. Originates (verb) – to have a specified beginning or cause

Example: The tradition of exchanging gifts during Christmas originates from ancient customs.

4. Queer (adjective) – strange or odd; unconventional

Example: The artist’s paintings often feature queer and abstract shapes.

5. Majority (noun) – the greater number or part of a group

Example: The majority of people in the room voted in favor of the proposal.

6. Poke fun at (phrase) – to mock or make fun of someone or something

Example: The kids liked to poke fun at their teacher’s quirky outfits.

7. Satisfy (verb) – to fulfill or meet a need or desire

Example: A warm cup of tea will satisfy my craving for something comforting.

8. Fish out of water (phrase) – to feel uncomfortable or out of place in a particular situation

Example: Being the only vegetarian at the barbecue, I felt like a fish out of water.

9. Concede (verb) – to admit or acknowledge as true, often reluctantly

Example: After a long argument, he conceded that he might have been wrong.

10. Wisdom (noun) – the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment

Example: The wise old man offered advice based on his years of wisdom.

11. Sort out (phrasal verb) – to organize or arrange things or information

Example: She took the time to sort out her clothes by color and season.

12. Fallible (adjective) – capable of making mistakes or being erroneous

Example: As humans, we are fallible and prone to errors.

13. Commit oneself to (phrase) – to dedicate or pledge oneself to a particular course of action or belief

Example: She decided to commit herself to a career in medicine.

14. Reluctantly (adverb) – with hesitation or unwillingness

Example: He agreed to go on the camping trip, albeit reluctantly.

15. Confound (verb) – to confuse or perplex

Example: The complex math problem confounded the students.

16. Stance (noun) – a particular attitude or standpoint on an issue

Example: The politician took a strong stance against pollution and advocated for environmental policies.

17. Outstanding (adjective) – exceptionally good or impressive

Example: She received an outstanding performance review for her work.

18. Exclusive (adjective) – limited to or available to only a particular group or person

Example: The exclusive club requires a membership for entry.

19. Noticeable (adjective) – easily seen or observed; conspicuous

Example: The bright red car was highly noticeable among the sea of white vehicles.

20. Perseverance (noun) – the quality of persisting in a course of action despite difficulties or obstacles

Example: his perseverance with the technique illustrates his single-mindedness.


علاوه بر واژگان یادگیری اصطلاحات انگلیسی میتونه نمره آیلتس شما رو تا حد خیلی زیادی ارتقا بده. با یادگیری اصطلاحات انگلیسی و کاربرد صحیح اونها شما میتونید نمره خودتون رو در هر چهار مهارت speaking ، writing ، reading و البته speaking بالا ببرید. برای اینکه اصطلاحات به گوش شما آشنا باشند و بتونید در کاربرد صحیح از اونها استفاده کنید، باید اونها رو در متن بخونید و یاد بگیرید. حالا وقتشه که چند تا اصطلاح جالب که توی این متن خوندیم رو با هم یاد بگیریم.



1. “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”: Follow the customs and behavior of the people in a particular place or situation.

Example: I may not like spicy food, but when I visited India, I decided to try it because when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

2. “Fall on hard times”: Experience difficult or challenging circumstances.

Example: After losing his job, he fell on hard times and struggled to make ends meet.

3. “Crystal clear”: Completely clear and easy to understand.

Example: The instructions for assembling the furniture were crystal clear, and I had no trouble following them.

4. “On your head or heels”: In a state of confusion or disarray; not knowing whether one is coming or going.

Example: With all the last-minute changes to the project, I feel like I’m on my head or heels and can’t keep up.

5. “Sort out the sheep from the goats”: Distinguish between those who are genuine or valuable and those who are not.

Example: It takes time to sort out the sheep from the goats in a large group of candidates during a job interview.

6. “Bow to the new regulations”: Submit or comply with new rules or regulations.

Example: As a new employee, I had to bow to the new regulations and familiarize myself with the company policies.

7. “Go pear-shaped”: Go wrong or become a disaster.

Example: The event was going smoothly until the power outage caused everything to go pear-shaped.

8. “Square peg in a round hole”: A person who does not fit or belong in a particular situation or environment.

Example: As an introvert in a sales position, he often felt like a square peg in a round hole.

9. “Black sheep”: A person who is considered different or disreputable within a group or family.

Example: In a family of doctors, she became the black sheep when she decided to pursue a career in art.

10. “Rule of thumb”: A generally reliable or useful principle or guideline.

Example: As a rule of thumb, it’s best to arrive 15 minutes early for a job interview.

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