Believe That You Can

The power of believing that you can improve


Words & Synonyms

  1. Path: way, direction
  2. Perspective: outlook, prospect
  3. Tragic: somber, sorrowful
  4. Tyranny: cruelty
  5. Constant: stable, steady, permanent
  6. Validation: authentication
  7. Resilient: reactionary
  8. Comfort: welfare
  9. Transition: transfer, transportation
  10. Appreciate: acknowledge
  11. Equality: parity, equalization
  12. Struggle: scramble
  13. Period: era, course, cycle
  14. Praise: approbation
  15. Fantastic: great, terrific, excellent


  1. Why did the speaker think that the grade “Not Yet” was fantastic?
  2. What should we do to raise children who are hardy and resilient?
  3. How can educators make equality among all students?
  4. According to the conducted study, how students` mindset can be changed?
  5. What are the effects of the words “yet” or “not yet” on children?

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