Computers are not needed in the families any more

آموزش زبان انگلیسی و آیلتس با آکادمی آیلتس فکاری

حتما تا به حال شنیدید که خوندن متون انگلیسی در تقویت مهارت‌های زبانی نقش به سزایی داره. با تمرین کردن مداوم متون انگلیسی شما میتونید هم توانایی درک مطلب خودتون رو افزایش بدید و هم با نحوه نگارش درست یک متن آشنا بشید. در واقع خوندن متون انگلیسی به طور مداوم نه تنها ممهارت شما رو در قسمت ریدینگ بلکه در زمینه‌های دیگه مثل Writing‌ و Speaking افزایش میده. آکادمی فکاری در کنار فروش دوره‌های جامع آموزش آیلتس این امکان رو فراهم کرده تا شما بتونید متن‌های متنوع و بیشتری رو بخونید و تمرین کنید. حالا بریم که یک متن جدید رو باهم بخونیم :

Computers are not needed in the families any more 

Computers were originally developed to speed up the calculation tasks. It intended to boost the speed in industries, firms, and the places likewise. It was absolutely a shocking innovation for men living in the 20th century. It was doing its function quite right but not long before the families witnessed its penetration in their homes. In some homes, families enjoyed the speed and accuracy with which their tasks were done. The problem was that little by little it began to cause disadvantages for families rather than advantages and greater magnitude of deficiencies rather unnoticeably at first, outweighed and outnumbered its efficiencies. It was the same machine but its applications changed. 

The first and perhaps the most legendary misuse but better to say, abuse of computers happened when Microsoft Tycoon, Bill Gates, the richest private citizen in the world, went to Harvard University and managed to be in the same class with girls by inserting a software into college computer. He proved the fact that we could utilize this wonderful development in the way we decide. 

For most of the families, computers have changed into a decorative household appliance and fallen into disuse at one picturesque comer of the house. As long as it stays there, it won’t make any harm for the families because there is nothing intrinsically wrong with it. But unfortunately, a huge portion of computer usage belongs to the children who are almost unaware of its main functions. The extensive damage is done to the children and teenagers who sit at a computer desk from dawn to dusk with their eyes glued to the monitor since the computer plays the role of an advanced toy for them. These children develop serious sight drop off. Unfortunately, they have forgotten all about folk entertainments which once used to keep them lively and energetic. Today, they are all busy flying their electronic game plane or fighting their virtual opponent. Poor flabby kids! 

Moreover, teenagers leave their school assignments undone just because they have been given a new software or a new game. These computer geeks are keen to get to the last level of a game, the game which is not worth a red cent and if they happen to fail, they will consider themselves as an underdog which in turn leads to a severe nervous breakdown. 

Their parents are at the end of their tether. They constantly advise their children not to abandon themselves to the computer, but who cares? And this is how computers turn out to be a pain in the neck. Of course this is only the thin end of the wedge. 

With the advent of the Internet, the problem even deteriorated. The Internet has become a kick in the teeth for the families. Teens blindly waste their time googling and quite easily become addicted to this international communication system. Spending or better to put it, squandering a lot of their precious time to find somebody to chat with moves them away from the main objectives of this system. Developing a false identity on the Internet just to lay a trap for a chat mate reveals nothing but the teenager’s flexible, moody, and fragile character. False identity means you do not believe in yourself. Moreover, if the Internet is used for downloading whatever information you need, we must truly confess that the amount of information in a specific field is so vast that we easily get perplexed. This is a system of unlimited areas with no borders or fences, just with one click on a specific site you can start a free journey to wherever your heart desires regardless of the fact that you might go astray in the course of your journey. 

A recent survey has provided some shocking news. It is said that seventy-five percent of the Googlers are found penetrating into the sites which provide them with everything, saving some fruitful information. A much more troublesome problem which has recently opened the floodgates for the titanic companies, banks, and personal businesses is the phenomenon of cyberattacks. The internet is not a safe area anymore. The professional hackers secretly find a way into computer systems and change or take away whatever information you have saved in your system. All your documents are at risk. 

Now we are sure as eggs are eggs that without our computers we will have more safety. Without the internet, we won’t be looking for some cunning cyber friends who always have watertight plans to trap us. Our parents will certainly feel quite relaxed. Without it, we will enjoy looking at our colorful books and use their helpful insights given to plan our future career. Don’t you think it is time for you to disconnect and log off your computer!?

ریدینگ آزمون آیلتس:

همونطور که میدونید آزمون آیلتس آکادمیک و جنرال هر کدوم به ترتیب 3 و 5 متن داره. این متن‌ها دارای درجه سختی متفاوتی هستند و ممکنه برای کسایی که تازه شروع به خوندن ِآیلتس کردن این بخش خیلی سخت و وقت‌گیر باشه. آکادمی فکاری در کنار دوره‌های جامع آموزش آیلتس پیشنهاد میکنه که حتما قبل از آزمون آیلتس خوندن و تمرین کردن متون رو در برنامه خودتون قرار بدین. برای تقویت مهارت درک مطلب هم حتما سوال‌های درک مطلب رو از هر متن پاسخ بدین. اگه موافق باشید الان وقتشه که چندتا از سوال‌های درک مطلب رو باهم تمرین کنیم:

Comprehension Questions

1. What was the original purpose of computers?

2. How did the applications of computers change over time?

3. What was the first misuse of computers mentioned in the passage?

4. What are some negative effects of excessive computer usage on children and teenagers?

5. What is the main concern of parents regarding their children’s computer usage?

6. What are some of the risks associated with using the internet mentioned in the passage?

اهمیت واژگان:

داشتن دامنه لغت کافی یکی از جنبه‌های مهم آزمون آیلتسه، چرا که نقشی حیاتی در تعیین نمره فرد در آزمون داره. آزمون آیلتس توانایی یک داوطلب در برقراری ارتباط به زبان انگلیسی را ارزیابی می‌کنه و دایره لغات گسترده برای برقراری یک ارتباط موثر واقعا ضروریه. دایره لغات قوی میتونه به داوطلب کمک کنه تا منظور خودش رو  دقیق‌تر و روان‌تر بیان کنه، که یک عامل کلیدی در کسب نمره بالاست. متنی که باهم خوندیم لغات مهم زیادی داشت که میتونید معنی هرکدوم رو در ادامه یاد بگیرید و تمرین کنید:


1. Calculation (noun) – the process of performing mathematical operations. 

Example: She was struggling with the calculation of her taxes.

2. Boost (verb) – to increase or improve. 

Example: The new ad campaign should boost sales for the company.

3. Shocking (adjective) – causing surprise or disbelief. 

Example: The news of his sudden death was shocking.

4. Penetration (noun) – the act of entering or forcing one’s way into something.

Example: The penetration of the virus into the computer system caused a major outage.

5. Unnoticeably (adverb) – in a way that is not noticeable. 

Example: The changes to the policy were made unnoticeably over time.

6. Outweighed (verb) – to be more significant or important than. 

Example: The benefits of the new policy outweighed the costs.

7. Misuse (noun) – the improper or incorrect use of something. 

Example: The misuse of antibiotics has led to antibiotic resistance.

8. Tycoon (noun) – a wealthy and powerful businessperson. 

Example: The shipping tycoon had a fleet of ships all over the world.

9. Inserting (verb) – to put something into something else. 

Example: She was inserting the key into the lock.

10. Utilize (verb) – to make use of something. 

Example: The company was able to utilize its resources effectively.

11. Decorative (adjective) – used for decoration. 

Example: The vase was just a decorative piece, not functional.

12. Disuse (noun) – the state of not being used or utilized. 

Example: The old factory fell into disuse and was eventually demolished.

13. Extensive (adjective) – covering a large area or amount. 

Example: The damage from the hurricane was extensive.

14. Geeks (noun) – a person who is very interested in and knowledgeable about a particular subject. 

Example: He’s a computer geek who loves coding.

15. Keen (adjective) – very interested or eager. 

Example: The students were keen to start the project.

16. Worth (adjective) – having a value equivalent to. 

Example: The old watch was worth a lot of money.

17. Underdog (noun) – a person or team that is expected to lose. 

Example: The team was considered the underdog, but they ended up winning.

18. Severe (adjective) – very intense or serious. Example: The storm caused severe damage to the town.

19. Nervous breakdown (noun) – a mental or emotional collapse. 

Example: The stress of the job caused him to have a nervous breakdown.

20. Tether (noun) – the limit of one’s resources or endurance. 

Example: She was at the end of her tether with the children’s constant arguing.

21. Advise (verb) – to give counsel or guidance. 

Example: He advised her to take a different route to avoid traffic.

22. Deteriorated (verb) – to become worse or less valuable. 

Example: The quality of the product deteriorated over time.

23. Squandering (verb) – to waste or use something recklessly or extravagantly.

Example: He was squandering his money on frivolous purchases.

24. Precious (adjective) – of great value or importance. 

Example: The ring was a precious family heirloom.

25. Flexible (adjective) – adaptable or able to change easily. Example: The work schedule was flexible, allowing employees to adjust their hours.

26. Moody (adjective) – subject to frequent changes of mood. 

Example: The teenager’s mood swings were often unpredictable.

27. Perplexed (adjective) – confused or puzzled. 

Example: She was perplexed since her teacher couldn’t explain the questions well.


داشتن تسلط کافی در اصطلاحات انگلیسی نقش مهمی در افزایش سطح زبان شما داره. برای اینکه بتونید هرچه بیشتر اطلاعات خودتون رو در این زمینه افزایش بدید لازمه که اصطلاحات رو در متونی که میخونید یاد بگیرید و در مکالمات روزمره از اونها استفاده کنید. متنی که با هم خوندیم چندتا اصطلاح کاربردی داشت و اگه موافق باشید بریم باهم تمرینشون کنیم:


1. “fallen into disuse”: no longer being used or useful. 

Example: Since the family got a new laptop, the old desktop computer has fallen into disuse and now sits in the corner gathering dust.

2. “pain in the neck” : something or someone that is irritating or bothersome.

Example: The constant sound of the neighbor’s barking dog is a real pain in the neck.

3. “at the end of one’s tether”: to be at the limit of one’s patience or resources. 

Example: After trying to calm down her crying baby for hours, the exhausted mother was at the end of her tether.

4. “thin end of the wedge”: the small beginning of a large and unpleasant situation.

Example: The recent argument with his boss was just the thin end of the wedge, and now he fears he may lose his job.

5. “kick in the teeth” : a sudden, unexpected and unpleasant setback or disappointment. 

Example: After working hard on his project for weeks, getting a poor grade on it felt like a kick in the teeth.

6. “sure as eggs are eggs” : absolutely certain. 

Example: I am sure as eggs are eggs that the sun will rise tomorrow.

7. “go astray” : to become lost or to lose one’s way. 

Example: When hiking in the woods, it’s easy to go astray if you don’t stay on the trail.

8. “floodgates” : a sudden release or opening up of something. 

Example: The news of the sale of the limited edition sneakers opened the floodgates of the online store, causing it to crash.

9. “watertight” : secure, tightly sealed or constructed to prevent any leakage. 

Example: The watertight door on the ship prevented any water from getting in during the storm.

10. “as safe as houses” : very secure or stable. 

Example: Investing in blue-chip stocks is as safe as houses, as they are backed by well-established companies.

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