Fatalism: We Have Not Been Given any Power to Decide

آموزش زبان انگلیسی و آیلتس با آکادمی آیلتس فکاری

حتما تا به حال شنیدید که خوندن متون انگلیسی در تقویت مهارت‌های زبانی نقش به سزایی داره. با تمرین کردن مداوم متون انگلیسی شما میتونید هم توانایی درک مطلب خودتون رو افزایش بدید و هم با نحوه نگارش درست یک متن آشنا بشید. در واقع خوندن متون انگلیسی به طور مداوم نه تنها ممهارت شما رو در قسمت ریدینگ بلکه در زمینه‌های دیگه مثل Writing‌ و Speaking افزایش میده. آکادمی فکاری در کنار فروش دوره‌های جامع آموزش آیلتس این امکان رو فراهم کرده تا شما بتونید متن‌های متنوع و بیشتری رو بخونید و تمرین کنید. حالا بریم که یک متن جدید رو باهم بخونیم :

Fatalism: We Have Not Been Given any Power to Decide 

Fatalism is the belief that “whatever will be will be,” since all past, present, and future events have already been predetermined by God, the only absolute and all-powerful force. In religion, this view may be called predestination; it holds that whether our souls go to Heaven or Hell is determined before we are born and is independent of our good or bad deeds. Fatalism conveys the fact that human beings lack any kind of free will. Fatalism is a supernatural belief system which holds humans outside the natural matrix. In direct contrast to the most common form of supernaturalism (belief in free will), however, fatalism holds that the natural world causes events in human life but is not itself influenced by human will or behavior. No matter what you do, the same things will happen to you. It is actually fate that determines our life. Everything about us has already been determined. Our destiny is put in God’s hands. We are just being guided to fulfill what the Almighty God has pre-planned for us. Our birth and death is by no means determined by ourselves. Reluctantly we leap into this world and unwillingly we kiss this most-loved world goodbye to go west. For God our fate is a foregone conclusion. 

Some real-life examples would suffice to prove the fact that whatever happens to us is never ever the result of our decision. For instance, we decide to cross the street while a car is speeding towards us; we decide to commit suicide or homicide; we decide to pass or fail; we decide to speed up and crash into another car and put an end to our life. All of these decisions are based on our free will. But on the other side of the fence stands fatalism. The idea to commit suicide is triggered in our mind by an unlimited eternal force. The idea of crossing the street in heavy traffic is not formed in our mind haphazardly. It is our destiny. Somebody puts the idea of speeding up into our brain. We have been predestined to cross the street on that specific day. We can’t help it. We can’t help staying at home to avoid that dire incident. We are compelled to get out, come rain, or shine. In the case of passing or failing, an unknown force encourages us to put down the book, even an unputdownable one so as to pave the way for our failure. There could have been no choice. Fate leaves us with Hobson’s choice. 

One more justifying point is our birth into different families. Some are born into wealthy families for whom life is always a bed of roses; some into poor ones who can hardly keep the wolf from the door. No one would ever decide to be born into families that have no penny to bless with. We have been predestined to starve to death in poor families. This, of course, proves God’s super power upon His creatures. He has created everything and He Himself controls what exists in the whole universe. He will certainly determine the course of life for the creatures. If creatures had been granted the power to determine, then there would have been no law and order in the world. To establish law and order in the world, God’s power is needed to give direction to our lives. 

Another commonly held opinion by the people is that they usually attribute their failure or success to the fate. Their happy or unhappy marriage is said to be far from any logically preplanned decision. If somebody marries beneath her and that marriage ends in divorce, they never find themselves guilty of any calamity. They certainly lay it at the fate. They usually take a deep sigh and say: “Oh! this is my poor fate.” This example, in turn, teaches us the fact that people do believe in some forces. They have to resign themselves to fate. 

All good and evil actions and events take place by the eternal decrees of God, which have been written from all eternity on the prescribed table. The divine power has got direct access to our horoscope. He actually knows if a person will step on the road of evil or good. His decision is based on what each person deserves. God knows who will spoil the given gifts. God truly knows who will and who won’t count His blessings and He decides to take or give accordingly. As a fatalist, we suppose that it is useless to act upon higher level motives, since the future is already fixed. We can never make any complaints to God about His will. He decides and casts His decision upon us. Our complaint will be kind of fighting the losing battle. The equality of a man’s power with that of God is out of question. Whatever happens is based on the absolute power of the Almighty God. So much to our ability to cause any changes.

ریدینگ آزمون آیلتس:

همونطور که میدونید آزمون آیلتس آکادمیک و جنرال هر کدوم به ترتیب 3 و 5 متن داره. این متن‌ها دارای درجه سختی متفاوتی هستند و ممکنه برای کسایی که تازه شروع به خوندن ِآیلتس کردن این بخش خیلی سخت و وقت‌گیر باشه. آکادمی فکاری در کنار دوره‌های جامع آموزش آیلتس پیشنهاد میکنه که حتما قبل از آزمون آیلتس خوندن و تمرین کردن متون رو در برنامه خودتون قرار بدین. برای تقویت مهارت درک مطلب هم حتما سوال‌های درک مطلب رو از هر متن پاسخ بدین. اگه موافق باشید الان وقتشه که چندتا از سوال‌های درک مطلب رو باهم تمرین کنیم:


Comprehension questions

1. What is fatalism?

2. How does fatalism view human free will?

3. Provide examples from real life that the passage presents to support the idea of fatalism.

4. According to the passage, why do some people attribute their success or failure to fate?

5. How does the passage suggest that God’s power and control play a role in establishing law and order in the world?

6. What is the fatalistic viewpoint on the ability to cause any changes in one’s life?

اهمیت واژگان:

داشتن دامنه لغت کافی یکی از جنبه‌های مهم آزمون آیلتسه، چرا که نقشی حیاتی در تعیین نمره فرد در آزمون داره. آزمون آیلتس توانایی یک داوطلب در برقراری ارتباط به زبان انگلیسی را ارزیابی می‌کنه و دایره لغات گسترده برای برقراری یک ارتباط موثر واقعا ضروریه. دایره لغات قوی میتونه به داوطلب کمک کنه تا منظور خودش رو  دقیق‌تر و روان‌تر بیان کنه، که یک عامل کلیدی در کسب نمره بالاست. متنی که باهم خوندیم لغات مهم زیادی داشت که میتونید معنی هرکدوم رو در ادامه یاد بگیرید و تمرین کنید:


1. Fatalism (noun): The belief that all events are predetermined and that human beings lack free will.

Example: Despite his efforts, John couldn’t escape the consequences of his actions due to his belief in fatalism.

2. Predestination (noun): The religious concept that certain events, such as one’s destiny or salvation, are predetermined by a higher power.

Example: According to predestination, our final destination in the afterlife is determined before we are even born.

3. Supernatural (adjective): Relating to phenomena that cannot be explained by natural laws and are attributed to divine or paranormal forces.

Example: The ghostly apparition in the old house was considered a supernatural occurrence.

4. Matrix (noun): A situation or environment in which something develops or exists.

Example: The urban jungle can be seen as a matrix of opportunities and challenges.

5. Influence (verb): To have an effect on or shape the behavior, character, or development of someone or something.

Example: The charismatic leader’s speeches influenced the crowd to take action.

6. Destiny (noun): The predetermined course of events in one’s life.

Example: Sarah believed that meeting her soulmate was her destiny.

7. Almighty (adjective): All-powerful; having unlimited or complete power.

Example: The almighty ruler made decisions that affected the entire kingdom.

8. Foregone conclusion (noun): A result or outcome that is considered certain or inevitable.

Example: It was a foregone conclusion that the team would win the championship.

9. Suicide (noun): The act of intentionally causing one’s own death.

Example: The high rate of suicide among young people is a concerning issue.

10. Homicide (noun): The act of killing another person.

Example: The detective was assigned to investigate the homicide case.

11. Free will (noun): The ability to make choices and decisions without being constrained by external influences.

Example: The concept of free will is central to debates about morality and responsibility.

12. Triggered (verb): To cause a particular action, response, or emotion to occur.

Example: The loud noise triggered a sense of panic in the crowd.

13. Predestined (adjective): Destined or determined in advance.

Example: The prophecy suggested that the hero was predestined to save the kingdom.

14. Unwillingly (adverb): Reluctantly or without a desire to do something.

Example: She agreed to take on the task, but she did so unwillingly.

15. Compelled (verb): Forced or driven to do something.

Example: The urgency of the situation compelled him to take immediate action.

16. Dire (adjective): Extremely serious or urgent; indicating a disastrous or dangerous situation.

Example: The country faced dire economic consequences if the crisis wasn’t resolved.

17. Wealthy (adjective): Having a large amount of money, possessions, or resources.

Example: The wealthy businessman owned multiple luxury cars and mansions.

18. Penniless (adjective): Having no money; extremely poor.

Example: After losing his job, he found himself penniless and unable to pay his bills.

19. Starve (verb): To suffer or die from lack of food.

Example: The famine caused many people to starve in Iraq.

20. Convey (verb): To communicate or make known; to express or transmit a message, information, or feeling to someone.
Example: She used her body language and gestures to convey her excitement about the upcoming trip.


داشتن تسلط کافی در اصطلاحات انگلیسی نقش مهمی در افزایش سطح زبان شما داره. برای اینکه بتونید هرچه بیشتر اطلاعات خودتون رو در این زمینه افزایش بدید لازمه که اصطلاحات رو در متونی که میخونید یاد بگیرید و در مکالمات روزمره از اونها استفاده کنید. متنی که با هم خوندیم چندتا اصطلاح کاربردی داشت و اگه موافق باشید بریم باهم تمرینشون کنیم:


1. “Whatever will be, will be” : Used to express the idea that events will happen in the way they are destined to happen and cannot be changed.

Example: I’m not worried about the outcome of the competition; whatever will be, will be.

2. “Fate accompli” : Something that has already happened or been decided before those affected by it were aware of it, leaving them with no choice but to accept it.

Example: By the time I found out about the decision, it was already a fait accompli, and there was nothing I could do about it.

3. “Kiss goodbye” : To say farewell to something or someone, usually with a sense of finality.

Example: I had to kiss goodbye to my dreams of becoming an astronaut when I realized I had a fear of heights.

4. “Come rain or shine” : No matter what happens; under any circumstances.

Example: I promised to be there for you, come rain or shine, through the good times and the bad.

5. “Put an end to” : To bring something to a conclusion; to stop or finish something.

Example: I decided to put an end to the unhealthy relationship and focus on my own well-being.

6. “Hobson’s choice” : A situation in which there appears to be a choice, but in reality, there is only one option.

Example: The company offered me a promotion, but with a transfer to a different city. It was a Hobson’s choice—either take the promotion or decline and stay in my current position.

7. “Bed of roses” : A comfortable and luxurious situation; an easy and pleasant life.

Example: Don’t be fooled by appearances; their seemingly perfect relationship is not always a bed of roses.

8. “Keep the wolf from the door” : To have enough money or resources to avoid poverty or hunger.

Example: They work two jobs just to keep the wolf from the door and provide for their family.

9. “Attributed to fate” : To ascribe the cause or responsibility of something to destiny or a higher power.

Example: The failure of the project cannot be solely attributed to one person; it was simply fate working against us.

10. “Fighting a losing battle” : Engaging in a struggle or conflict where the chances of success are minimal or nonexistent.

Example: She knew convincing him to change his mind was a losing battle, but she couldn’t help but try.

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