?Is It Really Dangerous to Have Everything

آموزش زبان انگلیسی و آیلتس با آکادمی آیلتس فکاری

یکی از راه‌های تقویت مهارت‌های آیلتس خوندن حداقل یک متن در طول روزه. شما میتونید از این راه هم دامنه لغات خودتون رو افزایش بدید هم با کاربرد صحیح کلمات و گرامر‌های مختلفی در متن آشنا بشید. آکادمی فکاری در کنار فروش دوره‌های جامع آموزش مهارت‌های آیلتس این امکان رو برای شما فراهم کرده که بتونید متون بیشتری رو بخونید و تمرین کنید. با این روش شما اطلاعات عمومی خودتون رو در زمینه‌های مختلف هم افزایش میدید و راحت‌تر میتونید در قسمت writing‌ ایده پردازی کنید.

پس بریم که این متن رو با هم بخونیم:


Is It Really Dangerous to Have Everything? 

The mistakenly accepted widespread concept of ‘having everything is dangerous‘ is merely a slogan chanted by those who can not imagine having even one thing, it’s just sour grapes for them. For the modern man who inhabits the world of which cruelty has pointed at the poor starving people, lacking one simple thing equals suffering. To get rid of this suffering, one needs to possess whatever has been made for human beings. We have been born to have and enjoy our lives with everything that can be found under the sun. Our short life span should not be spent in poverty and misery. We should never experience any shortages in our limited life expectancy. It is certainly advisable to lead a life of indulgence. 

Hardly ever do you admire the idea of knocking the neighbor’s door for help if you are short of a bob or two. You never ever accept the idea of living on the breadline. Nobody faces up to the fact that he will have a snowball’s chance in hell of having wealth and enjoyment. Everybody enjoys the peace and quiet of a night’s sleep. This never happens unless one suffers no worry of any kind. It is really fascinating to find oneself in such a peaceful world, the world which is exclusively yours. When you have everything it means that you have got the world. Isn’t it wonderful? 

The idea that ‘having everything is dangerous‘ comes off because of the fallacy that one might not be capacious enough to adapt himself to all the corporeal blessings that he has. He might go astray since he gets totally involved in enjoyment. When we have everything, we get the ability to go with the world we have. It never happens all of a sudden. We gradually learn how to behave. How often does a person have to stand in front of a shop browsing into his pocket and not finding even two pennies rubbing together and hopelessly do just window shopping? How often does this fellow have to get back home barehanded? How long does a person have to live from hand to mouth? How long does he have to eat like a sparrow since he is paid chicken- feed, and how long does a wishful teenager have to wear hand-me-downs? Have you ever thought about the children and even adults in some African countries who are always in their birthday suit? Imagine what a joyful life they would have if they had a piece of cloth to cover their bodies. 

How do you really feel when you compare a millionaire living in his sumptuous mansion with a poverty-stricken man who languishes in poverty in his austere humble abode? These questions and others likewise can easily be answered if that person does have whatever he desires and wishes to have in his life. 

It sounds ridiculous to think that earning a living with hardship is sheer happiness since you gain what you have worked for. When you carry the heavy burden of life in bringing home the bacon and your strength melts away, then you wish not to suffer because of the things you do not have. It’s full of joy to look round and see that you are never worried about anything in your personal life. You take a deep breath of relief when you find yourself steeped in all facilities that are necessary or even unnecessary for a life. For every person who has once experienced poverty and subsequently has led a dog’s life, the only meaningful ambition can be the desire to have whatever he can imagine. Nobody would ever abhor having a golden touch. Isn’t it really interesting to win the staff of life without any hardship to suffer? 

All in all, it is noteworthy to confess that the world in which we reside is a world of intense competition. If you do not get a move on, you will certainly have to kill yourself to catch up with the people who were once miles away behind you. In this competitive world, one needs to have everything so that he might not suffer any financial hardships. As a rule of thumb, if you have the things you want, you won’t feel the need to devise any mysterious scheme to surpass the others. We develop jealousy since we do not possess the things the others do. If we possessed, there would remain no reason to envy others and their properties. By the way, never allow your infinite wealth to make you behave arrogantly. Opera Winfrey, the multibillionaire American citizen, has stayed the same with no changes in her character. Her famous quote is conclusive proof to our claim. She says: “Though I am grateful for the blessings of wealth, it hasn’t changed who I am. My feet are still on the ground. I’m just wearing better shoes.”

ریدینگ آزمون آیلتس:

مهم‌ترین نکته برای موفقیت در ریدینگ آیلتس، درک درست متونه. اینکه شما بتونید منظور نویسنده رو درست متوجه بشید نقش اصلی رو در انتخاب پاسخ درست ِ سوال‌ها داره. در واقع هرچه بیشتر متن رو درک کنید راحت‌تر میتونید به سوال‌ها جواب درست بدید. پس حالا وقتشه که بعد از خوندن این متن چندتا سوال درک مطلب رو باهم تمرین کنیم.

Comprehension questions

1. What is the mistaken concept regarding “having everything” mentioned in the passage?

2. Why does the author argue that having everything is desirable?

3. According to the passage, what are the potential dangers of having everything?

4. How does the author describe the experience of not having enough money?

5. What is the author’s perspective on the relationship between having everything and financial hardships?

6. What example does the passage provide to support the idea that having wealth does not necessarily change a person’s character?


اهمیت واژگان:

داشتن دامنه لغت مناسب میتونه یک نقش کلیدی در موفقیت شما در آزمون آیلتس داشته باشه. پس لازمه که بعد از خوندن هر متن لغات اون متن رو یاد بگیرید. متنی که باهم خوندیم لغت‌های مهمی داشت که احتمالا برای شما نا آشنا بوده.

بریم یاهم چند تا از این لغات رو یاد بگیریم:


1. Mistakenly (adverb): In an incorrect or misguided manner.

Example: She mistakenly believed that the event was tomorrow.

2. Widespread (adjective): Existing or happening over a large area or among many people.

Example: The flu outbreak became widespread throughout the country.

3. Chanted (verb): Repeated or sung in a rhythmic manner.

Example: The crowd chanted slogans during the protest.

4. Starving (adjective): Suffering or dying from hunger.

Example: The children in the famine-stricken region were malnourished and starving.

5. Suffering (noun): The state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship.

Example: The refugees experienced immense suffering as they fled their war-torn country.

6. Possess (verb): To own or have control over something.

Example: She possesses a vast collection of rare books.

7. Indulgence (noun): The act of allowing oneself to enjoy pleasures or desires.

Example: After a week of hard work, she treated herself to an indulgence by taking a spa day.

8. Admire (verb): To regard with respect, approval, or pleasure.

Example: I admire her determination to overcome challenges.

9. Bob (noun): A slang term for a small sum of money.

Example: Can you lend me a bob? I need to buy a cup of coffee.

10. Breadline (noun): The level of poverty or subsistence where one barely has enough money to buy food.

Example: The economic crisis pushed many families below the breadline.

11. Languishes (verb): To exist in an unpleasant or undesirable situation with little or no progress or improvement.

Example: The neglected garden languished and became overgrown with weeds.

12. Astray (adverb): Away from the correct path or direction.

Example: The lost hiker had wandered astray and couldn’t find the trail.

13. Corporeal (adjective): Relating to the physical body; tangible or material.

Example: The artist expressed her ideas through corporeal sculptures.

14. Hand to mouth (phrase): Living in a state of poverty or with only enough income to meet immediate needs.

Example: After losing his job, he struggled to survive and lived hand to mouth.

15. Sparrow (noun): A small, common bird known for its delicate size and melodious song.

Example: The chirping of sparrows greeted us as we sat in the park.

16. Chicken-feed (noun): A small and insignificant amount of money.

Example: The allowance he received was mere chicken-feed compared to his expenses.

17. Hand-me-downs (noun): Used or secondhand clothes or other items passed on from one person to another.

Example: As the youngest sibling, he always received hand-me-downs from his older brothers.

18. Sumptuous (adjective): Luxurious, splendid, or extravagant.

Example: The hotel offered sumptuous accommodations with breathtaking views.

19. Austere (adjective): Simple, plain, or unadorned, often suggesting a lack of luxury.

Example: an austere man, with a rigidly puritanical outlook.

20. reside : have one’s permanent home in a particular place.
Example: people who work in the city actually reside in neighboring towns.


یادگیری اصطلاحات در متون، اهمیت زیادی داره؛ چراکه باعث میشه منظور نویسنده و بار معنایی جملات رو بهتر درک کنید. علاوه بر این، با یادگیری بیشتر ِاصطلاحات شما میتونید سطح زبان خودتون رو بالاتر ببرید و این حتی دیدن فیلم و سریال‌ها بدون زیرنویس رو برای شما راحت‌تر میکنه. اگه موافق باشید حالا میتونیم به اصطلاحات متنی که خوندیم یه نگاهی بندازیم:



1. “Sour grapes” : Expressing envy or resentment towards something that one desires but cannot have.

Example: After losing the competition, he claimed that he didn’t want to win anyway, but it was just sour grapes.

2. “Breadline” : The level of poverty or subsistence where one barely has enough money to buy food.

Example: The economic crisis pushed many families below the breadline.

3. “Snowball’s chance in hell” : Having virtually no chance or possibility.

Example: He thought he could win the lottery with his luck, but he had a snowball’s chance in hell.

4. “Hand to mouth” : Living in a state of poverty or with only enough income to meet immediate needs.

Example: After losing his job, he struggled to survive and lived hand to mouth.

5. “Chicken-feed” : A small and insignificant amount of money.

Example: The allowance he received was mere chicken-feed compared to his expenses.

6. “Window shopping” : The act of looking at items in store windows without intending to buy them.

Example: They spent the afternoon window shopping on the busy shopping street.

7. “Birthday suit” : Being naked or without clothing.

Example: The children jumped into the lake and swam in their birthday suits.

8. “Languishes in poverty” : Being trapped or stuck in poverty.

Example: Despite his efforts, he continues to languish in poverty without any significant improvement.

9. “Bringing home the bacon” : Earning a living or providing for one’s family.

Example: After years of hard work, he finally succeeded in bringing home the bacon for his family.

10. “Feet are still on the ground” : Remaining down-to-earth or humble despite success or wealth.

Example: Despite her fame and fortune, she has managed to keep her feet on the ground and stay connected to her roots.

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