Marriage Puts an End to Men’s Freedom

آموزش زبان انگلیسی و آیلتس با آکادمی آیلتس فکاری

یکی از بهترین راه های یادگیری زبان انگلیسی، برای یادگیری ووکب و گرامر، خواندن متن است. این مهارت به شما کمک میکنه که نه تنها دانش زبانی خودتون رو افزایش بدید، بلکه یکی از سریع ترین راه های یادگیری کلمات انگلیسی برای آمادگی آزمون آیلتس هم هست. به این صورت که شما در دل یک متن به چندین کلمه و عبارت برمیخورید که شاید براتون جدید باشه، و چون اون کلمات رو در کاربرد صحیح خودش یاد میگیرید، خیلی بهتر در ذهن شما ثبت میشه و بعدا هم خیلی راحت تر میتونید ازش استفاده کنید. مثلا، برای افرادی که میخوان برای آزمون آیلتس یا تافل آماده بشن، خواندن متن یکی از ضروری ترین تمرین ها به حساب میاد. پس بریم که این متن رو با هم بخونیم.

Marriage Puts an End to Men’s Freedom

Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher, was certainly right when he ventured to liken the concept of marriage to a fishing net. He said, “Those fish left out of the net voraciously desire to get inside, and those imprisoned, desperately aspire to get outside.” Aristotle’s audacity teaches us many things about the futility of marriage. If the fish stuck inside the fishing net were given the same freedom that they used to enjoy outside, they would never have such an aspiration to get outside.

It would never be an exaggeration if we claimed that marriage is a romance in which the hero dies in the first chapter. The idea that marriage terminates the good old days is better supported by the fact that right after this compulsory incident that is called marriage, the bereaved men are totally deprived of the carte blanche they had once been enjoying before signing the marriage lines. Right after putting a signature on that lethal document and tying the knot, they put themselves in hot water. Soon they express grief over the days when they were footloose and fancy-free. What makes men look penitent is not the holly concept of marriage per se. Our perspective on marriage should not be regarded as a sacrilege of this sacred event. We are not making our attempts to lacerate its holiness. We are trying to focus on its negative sides, the sides which try to circumscribe men, although we will take a lot of flak for our views.

One barrier which is considered an impediment to marriage is the life partner’s incessant nagging. Her continuous inspection and investigation about where we go, what we do, how we think, and some other irritating questions likewise put our nerves on edge. Men remember the days when they would hobnob with their cronies, responsible and free. Now, after marriage, the wife is mistakenly in the driver’s seat and does not listen to any sort of directions and drives the car wherever she wishes and causes men to feel they are gradually stagnating in their married lives. Women have unfairly been invested with full authority to rule in the families. It is enough to prove our claim that when men dare to hold a stag party with their old comrades trying to turn back the clock so as to review and rejoice over their memorable good old days, it should happen surreptitiously, or else their better halves will act as a wet blanket to spoil the enjoyment of that rare event. A man`s one-day going out with buddies must be clandestine, otherwise, their wives will act as a fly in the ointment and thwart them in their attempt to have a good time.

If women happen to know about men’s appointments with their intimate friends, they cruelly vent their anger on poor men. Men can’t tolerate seeing that under the vigilant eyes of their wives, they are always led by the nose. This skeptical attitude toward men precludes them from considering marriage as a holly incident which is supposed to organize and regulate the chaotic bachelor years of a single man. Men are usually discontented with their vapid ways of life caused by the wives who always try to stultify the boisterous mood of their husbands. Through marriage, men try to find a woman to be a confidant besides being a wife. They are confident that these women certainly put the cat out of the bag. Neighbors know what goes on in their private lives.

Most of the newly married inexperienced couples spend their time riding the white horse. They find themselves on top of the world ever since people throw rice at them. Its beauty is actually ineffable. This sense of jubilation is quite transient and fades away leaving the couples in the lurch. Right after the first squabble, soon they fall off the horse and the adoring couples develop grudges against each other. They never imagine being back in the saddle of that white horse. They wish they had never signed that God-damned document. This teaches the unmarried ones a very good lesson. They swear an oath to remain bachelors. They understand what ugly days await them if they make the same blunder. They become increasingly disenchanted with marriage.

Just imagine what happens if the wife sends a new unnecessary shopping list during that romantic horse riding. Men generally detest being ordered. Wives must be aware of this fact. Unfortunately, they are not. These bossy-boots always try to have men at their beck and call. This clearly shows that wives have almost always been spoilsports for men. The frown and gloomy look on their faces do not allow men to look at life happily. This acts like a bone of contention between the spouses. Haven’t you noticed women turn on the waterworks when they run short of a few logical words?

ریدینگ آزمون آیلتس:

در آزمون آیلتس جنرال و آکادمیک، به ترتیب پنج و سه متن با چند نمونه سوال مختلف وجود داره. که یکی از چالش برانگیزترین تیپ سوال‌ها، comprehension questions یا سوال‌های درک مطلب است. برای موفقیت در پاسخگویی به این سوال‌ها حتما باید درک درستی از متن داشته باشید و بهترین راه برای تمرین کردن این سوال‌ها، خوندن متن و پاسخ دادن سوال‌های مربوط به متنه. حالا بریم باهم چندتا سوال درک مطلب رو جواب بدیم.

Comprehension questions:

1. According to Aristotle, how do those inside a marriage feel about their situation?

2. What is the author’s opinion of marriage, and how does the author support their view?

3. What are some of the negative aspects of marriage that the author describes, particularly with respect to men?

4. Why do men feel penitent after marriage, according to the author?

5. What role do wives play in making men feel discontented with their married lives?

6. How does the author suggest that unmarried individuals might react to the portrayal of marriage in the passage?

اهمیت واژگان:

یکی از پرکاربردترین متد‌های پاسخگویی به سوال‌های ریدینگ، استفاده از Key words یا کلمات کلیدی متن است. برای موفقیت در این قسمت شما باید دامنه لغات کافی و مفیدی داشته باشید؛ که به شما کمک میکنه سوال‌ها رو با سرعت بیشتر و درصد خطای کمتری پاسخ بدید. در اینجا مهم‌ترین لغات متنی که با هم خوندیم رو اضافه کردم. بریم باهم این لغات رو بخونیم و کاربرد صحیحش در جمله رو یاد بگیریم.


1. futility – lack of effectiveness or usefulness

Example: The futility of trying to reason with a stubborn person is frustrating.

2. audacity – boldness or daring, often with disregard for personal safety

Example: The climber’s audacity in attempting to scale the mountain without proper equipment was admirable but risky.

3. bereaved – deprived of someone or something loved or valued, especially through death

Example: The bereaved family struggled to cope with the loss of their beloved pet.

4. carte blanche – complete freedom to act as one wishes or thinks best

Example: The artist was given carte blanche to design the set for the play.

5. lethal – deadly or fatal

Example: The virus proved to be lethal for those with weak immune systems.

6. penitent – feeling or showing regret for one’s wrongdoing

Example: The thief was penitent and asked for forgiveness from the victim.

7. sacrilege – violation or misuse of something regarded as sacred

Example: It is considered a sacrilege to desecrate a place of worship.

8. circumscribe – to limit or restrict something or someone within certain boundaries

Example: The government’s actions were designed to circumscribe the power of the opposition party.

9. impediment – a hindrance or obstacle that obstructs progress or movement

Example: The lack of funds proved to be an impediment to the project’s completion.

10. incessant – continuing without interruption or pause

Example: The incessant sound of the jackhammer outside made it impossible to concentrate.

11. hobnob – to associate or socialize with others, often of a higher status

Example: The young musician was thrilled to hobnob with the famous singer after the concert.

12. cronies – close friends or companions who share a common interest or purpose

Example: The CEO’s cronies were all high-level executives in the company.

13. clandestine – kept secret or done in secret

Example: The couple’s clandestine meetings were discovered by their families, leading to conflict.

14. vent – to express or release strong emotions, especially anger or frustration

Example: The coach vented his frustration at the team’s poor performance during the game.

15. vapid – dull or lacking in interest or liveliness

Example: The speaker’s vapid presentation failed to capture the audience’s attention.

16. disenchanted – disappointed or disillusioned with someone or something that was previously admired or respected

Example: The employees were disenchanted with the new management’s policies and felt undervalued.

17. Saddle – a seat for a rider on the back of a horse, bicycle or motorcycle.

Example: I adjusted the saddle on my bike before going for a ride.

18. Blunder – a careless or stupid mistake, often causing embarrassment or negative consequences.

Example: He made a blunder by sending the email to the wrong person.

19. Squabble – a noisy quarrel about something trivial.

Example: The siblings had a squabble over who would sit in the front seat of the car.

20. Jubilation – a feeling of great joy and celebration.

Example: There was jubilation among the fans when their team won the championship.

21. Ineffable – too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.

Example: The beauty of the sunset was ineffable; words could not describe it.

22. Boisterous – lively, energetic, and noisy; often in a joyful or rowdy manner.

Example: The children were being boisterous at the birthday party.

23. Chaotic – in a state of complete confusion and disorder.

Example: The scene was chaotic after the earthquake hit the city.

24. Preclude – to prevent or make impossible.

Example: The bad weather precluded us from going on our planned hike.

25. Vigilant – watchful and alert, especially to danger or threats.

Example: The security guard was vigilant in monitoring the premises.

26. Thwart – to prevent someone from achieving their goal.

Example: The security measures thwarted the burglar’s attempt to break into the house.

27. Surreptitiously – done secretly or stealthily.

Example: The spy took the files surreptitiously, without anyone noticing.

28. Comrade – a close friend or companion, especially someone who shares your interests or work.

Example: The soldier called his fellow soldiers his comrades.

29. Stagnate – to stop developing or progressing, and remain at a constant level.

Example: The company’s profits had stagnated for several years.

30. Lacerate – to cut or tear deeply and violently.

Example: The thorns lacerated the hiker’s leg as he walked through the dense forest.

31. Voraciously  – to do something with great enthusiasm and eagerness.

Example: She read the novel voraciously, finishing it in one sitting.

32. Grudge – a feeling of resentment or ill will towards someone, often due to a past wrong or injustice.

Example: Even though it had been years since the breakup, John still held a grudge against his ex-girlfriend for leaving him.


علاوه بر واژگان یادگیری اصطلاحات انگلیسی میتونه نمره آیلتس شما رو تا حد خیلی زیادی ارتقا بده. با یادگیری اصطلاحات انگلیسی و کاربرد صحیح اونها شما میتونید نمره خودتون رو در هر چهار مهارت speaking ، writing ، reading و البته speaking بالا ببرید. برای اینکه اصطلاحات به گوش شما آشنا باشند و بتونید در کاربرد صحیح از اونها استفاده کنید، باید اونها رو در متن بخونید و یاد بگیرید. حالا وقتشه که چند تا اصطلاح جالب که توی این متن خوندیم رو با هم یاد بگیریم.


1. “Fishing net”  

– Aristotle’s comparison of marriage to a fishing net

2. “Footloose and fancy-free” 

– the time before marriage when men were free to do as they pleased

3. “Fly in the ointment” 

– wives who spoil their husbands’ plans for a good time with friends

4. “Led by the nose” 

– the feeling of being controlled by one’s spouse

5. “Put the cat out of the bag” 

– the hope that a wife will be a trustworthy confidant

6. “Riding the white horse” 

– the initial feeling of happiness and excitement at the beginning of a marriage

7. “Fall off the horse” 

– the end of the initial happiness and the start of marital difficulties

8. “Beck and call” 

– the expectation that husbands should always be available to their wives

9. “Bone of contention” 

– the source of conflict between spouses

10. “putting oneself in hot water” 

– someone has gotten him/herself into trouble or a difficult situation due to their own actions or decisions. 

11. “put someone’s nerve on edge” 

– to make someone feel anxious, nervous, or uneasy. 

12. “as a wet blanket” 

– refers to someone who spoils the fun or excitement of a situation or event.

13. “turn on the waterworks” 

– refers to someone crying or weeping excessively and intentionally, often as a way to gain sympathy or manipulate a situation.

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