Countries Must Close Their Gates to Tourism

آموزش زبان انگلیسی و آیلتس با آکادمی آیلتس فکاری

یکی از راه‌های تقویت مهارت‌های آیلتس خوندن حداقل یک متن در طول روزه. شما میتونید از این راه هم دامنه لغات خودتون رو افزایش بدید هم با کاربرد صحیح کلمات و گرامر‌های مختلفی در متن آشنا بشید. آکادمی فکاری در کنار فروش دوره‌های جامع آموزش مهارت‌های آیلتس این امکان رو برای شما فراهم کرده که بتونید متون بیشتری رو بخونید و تمرین کنید. با این روش شما اطلاعات عمومی خودتون رو در زمینه‌های مختلف هم افزایش میدید و راحت‌تر میتونید در قسمت writing‌ ایده پردازی کنید.

پس بریم که این متن رو با هم بخونیم.

Countries Must Close Their Gates to Tourism

The local inhabitants have flown into a rage. Despite their astronomical charges, the hotels are packed out. Streets are swarming with strangers. Pavements have been occupied with the tents put up by the visitors who are outdoor types or are budget travelers who may not afford the high cost of accommodation. Traffic jams, as a result of which pandemonium is more likely to break out, have trapped the drivers in the scorching sun and made them act like a cat on hot bricks. Pollution in the seaside has left no beauty to enjoy. Soaring prices have made the purchase unaffordable for the natives. Sometimes, your resort town is too swollen with strangers that you think you are lost in your hometown. This is the scene created by the globetrotting tourists who have made foreign destinations as their exotic paradise. 

As soon as the gates of a given country are opened to tourism, a plethora of uncaring tourists who are bitten by the travel bug, hit the road and march on the purity of that country’s nature and lacerate its beauty. There have been a lot of arguments whether tourism is beneficial or harmful to countries. Most of the developing countries whose main source of foreign exchange is the tourism industry overlook certain setbacks such as the fact that sometimes, they are not prepared to meet and support such a large number of people. This Lack of preparation brings about some irreparable harm. 

We have to encourage the governments to close their borders to tourists since the negative impact of this young industry outweighs its benefits. This issue is massive and global. Countries with tourist resorts have found life quite impossible since tourism has left the host countries with a variety of insurmountable problems. The locals are facing unaffordable accommodations day in, day out and year in, year out due to the urgent tourists` demands for houses to rent. Tourists set new prices wherever they go. They make the locals face a constant boom in the cost of living. The result is that the business owners are certainly the winners while the ordinary people as their customers are the losers. A fly-on-the-wall documentary will certainly prove our claim. 

Of paramount importance is the tragedy that the chiseled inscriptions marked on the historical monuments by the passionate visitors just to release their excitement and presumably to leave a message in history have deteriorated the issue more. It is often assumed that the chiseled name in the caption illustrates something about the figure. A close attention proves that it is wrong. A naughty teenager has put his masterpiece down there just to say that he and his family were visitors to that treasured site. His scribbled signature confirms it. Officials can’t simply keep a tight rein on the visitors. Have you ever thought what a global catastrophe would happen upon these architectural treasures if every visitor chiseled only a tiny line into the buildings? Unfortunately, this disaster has already started. 

Ensuing tailback, litter on the streets, dirt on the shore, rationing of some needed goods, and high prices are nothing compared with what tourism does to the culture of the host country. Tourism is a real attack to what has long been accepted as the fixed beliefs and norms of the nations. A countless number of people with a variety of cultures find their ways to a certain country and consciously or unconsciously cause some changes in the ways people live and think. The impact is quite inevitable. In order for the hosts to satisfy the guests, they have to think about similar lines with the guests’ way of thinking. Cultures are at stake with tourism. 

Some statistical facts will illuminate the severity of the problem. According to a Swiss joke, the Swiss government will have to build new mountains for the tourists since the Alps can no longer accommodate the number of cable cars. Some palaces in Persepolis in Iran have been put behind the iron bars so as not to let the storming crowd in. People have to cast a remote glance at the site. The Mediterranean has become the dirtiest sea in the world. The population in its shores swells to 230 million each summer. Venice, the Italian water city with its unique exquisite beauty is sometimes closed to the visitors. To prevent the destructive touch of tourism, the city officials had to build a replica of the cave paintings in Lascaux in France. These and many other examples will suffice to claim that tourism brings death rather than wealth to countries. Steve McGuire, a tourist consultant, confirms this fact by saying that “tourism more often than not ruins the very assets it seeks to exploit, and having done that damage, simply moves on elsewhere.” By the way, tourism is not only the goose that lays golden eggs; it also fouls its own nest.

ریدینگ آزمون آیلتس:

مهم‌ترین نکته برای موفقیت در ریدینگ آیلتس، درک درست متونه. اینکه شما بتونید منظور نویسنده رو درست متوجه بشید نقش اصلی رو در انتخاب پاسخ درست ِ سوال‌ها داره. در واقع هرچه بیشتر متن رو درک کنید راحت‌تر میتونید به سوال‌ها جواب درست بدید. پس حالا وقتشه که بعد از خوندن این متن چندتا سوال درک مطلب رو باهم تمرین کنیم.

Comprehension questions:

1. What are some negative consequences of the tourism industry mentioned in the passage?

2. Why do some argue that tourism can be harmful to countries?

3. What is the impact of tourism on the culture of the host country?

4. What are some examples of the negative effects of tourism on specific locations?

5. What does Steve McGuire say about the impact of tourism?

6. What is the author’s position on tourism?

اهمیت واژگان:

داشتن دامنه لغت مناسب میتونه یک نقش کلیدی در موفقیت شما در آزمون آیلتس داشته باشه. پس لازمه که بعد از خوندن هر متن لغات اون متن رو یاد بگیرید. متنی که باهم خوندیم لغت‌های مهمی داشت که احتمالا برای شما نا آشنا بوده. بریم یاهم چند تا از این لغات رو یاد بگیریم:


1. Astronomical (adjective) – extremely large or high; beyond ordinary measurement.

Example: The price of the luxury car was astronomical, costing more than a small house.

2. Swarming  (adjective) – crowded or overrun with something. 

Example: The streets were swarming with tourists, making it difficult to navigate through the crowds.

3. Tents (noun) – a portable shelter made of fabric or other material stretched over a supporting framework of poles and ropes. 

Example: The campers set up their tents in the designated area of the park.

4. Pandemonium (noun) – wild and noisy disorder or confusion; chaos. 

Example: When the power went out, there was pandemonium in the stadium as everyone tried to find their way out.

5. Pollution (noun) – the presence or introduction into the environment of substances or things that cause harm or discomfort to living organisms. 

Example: The factory’s pollution was causing health problems for the nearby residents.

6. Soaring  (adjective) – rising quickly or rapidly. 

Example: The price of the stock was soaring, making investors very happy.

7. Purchase (noun) – the act of buying something. 

Example: I made a purchase at the store, buying a new pair of shoes.

8. Natives  (noun) – a person born in a particular place or region. 

Example: The natives of the island were known for their hospitality and friendly nature.

9. Exotic (adjective) – originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country. Example: The restaurant served exotic foods from all over the world.

 10. Plethora (noun) – a large or excessive amount of something. Example: The store had a plethora of different types of candy.

 11. Uncaring  (adjective) – not showing concern or interest; indifferent. 

Example: The uncaring attitude of the boss made the employees feel undervalued.

12. Lacerate  (verb) – to tear or mangle; wound deeply. 

Example: The victim’s injuries were so severe that they appeared to have been lacerated by a sharp object.

13. Setbacks  (noun) – a difficulty or problem that delays or prevents progress. Example: The project faced many setbacks due to budget constraints and staffing issues.

14. Irreparable  (adjective) – impossible to repair or rectify. 

Example: The damage to the historic building was irreparable and required a complete rebuild.

15. Insurmountable  (adjective) – too great to be overcome. 

Example: The task of climbing Mount Everest was insurmountable for most people.

16. Chiseled (adjective) – carved or cut with a chisel. 

Example: The statue was chiseled from a single block of marble.

17. Rationing (noun) – the distribution of a limited amount of something among a group of people.

Example: During World War II, rationing of food and supplies was common in many countries.

18. Suffice (verb) – to be enough or adequate

Example: A quick phone call should suffice to solve the problem.

19. Replica (noun) – a copy or reproduction of something

Example: The museum had a replica of the famous painting.

 20. Exquisite (adjective) – extremely beautiful or pleasing

Example: The restaurant served exquisite cuisine.

 21. Swell (verb) – to increase in size or volume

Example: The river swelled after the heavy rain.

 22. Shore (noun) – the land along the edge of a body of water

Example: We went for a walk along the shore of the lake.

23. Tailback (noun) – a long line of vehicles that are stopped or moving slowly

Example: The accident caused a tailback on the highway.

24. Ensuing (noun) – happening as a result of something

Example: The ensuing chaos was difficult to control.

25. Paramount (noun) – of the greatest importance or significance

Example: Safety is paramount in any industrial process.

26. Monuments (noun) – a structure or object that is built to commemorate a person or event

Example: The Washington Monument is a famous American landmark.

27. Deteriorate (verb) – to become worse in quality or condition

Example: The old building had deteriorated over time.

28. Presumably (adverb) – something that is assumed to be true, likely or probable

Example: The shop will presumably be closed on public holidays.

29. Scribbled (noun) – to write something quickly and carelessly

Example: The note was scribbled on a scrap of paper.

30. Treasured ( adjective) – something that is highly valued or cherished

Example: The family heirloom was a treasured possession.

31. Treasure (noun) – something that is highly valued or cherished

Example: The treasure chest was filled with gold and jewels.

32. March (verb) – to walk in a determined way, usually with a group of people

Example: The protesters marched through the city streets.

33. Paradise (noun) – a place or state of great happiness, beauty, or peace

Example: The Caribbean is known for its beautiful beaches and clear waters, making it a tropical paradise.

34. Scorching (adjective) – extremely hot, especially from the sun

Example: The desert can be scorching during the day.


یادگیری اصطلاحات در متون، اهمیت زیادی داره؛ چراکه باعث میشه منظور نویسنده و بار معنایی جملات رو بهتر درک کنید. علاوه بر این، با یادگیری بیشتر ِاصطلاحات شما میتونید سطح زبان خودتون رو بالاتر ببرید و این حتی دیدن فیلم و سریال‌ها بدون زیرنویس رو برای شما راحت‌تر میکنه. اگه موافق باشید حالا میتونیم به اصطلاحات متنی که خوندیم یه نگاهی بندازیم:


1. “Cat on hot bricks” – agitated or nervous. 

Example: The job interview made her feel like a cat on hot bricks.

2. “Fly-on-the-wall “ – observing a situation without being noticed. 

Example: The documentary crew used a fly-on-the-wall approach to capture candid moments of the subjects.

3. “Bitten by the travel bug” – a strong desire or passion for travel. 

Example: Ever since she went on her first trip abroad, she’s been bitten by the travel bug and can’t wait for her next adventure.

4. “keep a tight rein” – to have strict control over someone or something.

Example: The teacher keeps a tight rein on her students during class to make sure they don’t get too loud or out of control.

5. “the goose that lays golden eggs”  – to refers to a source of valuable resources or wealth that, if not handled properly, can be lost. 

Example: The new investment opportunity seemed too good to be true, but it turned out to be the goose that lays golden eggs when it yields substantial returns.

6. “Fouls its own nest” – to harm oneself or one’s own interests.

Example: The company’s CEO made a series of controversial decisions that ended up fouling the nest, leading to a decline in profits and employee morale.

7. “fly-on-the-wall” – to describe a situation where someone is observing a group or situation secretly and unobtrusively.

Example: The journalist was able to get some revealing insights into the company’s decision-making process by producing a fly-on-the-wall documentary of their board meetings.

8. “day in, day out”- something that happens repeatedly and consistently over time.

Example: I work day in, day out to make ends meet.

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