تصحیح و فیدبک IELTS Writing

Quality IELTS Writing Feedback

As an experienced IELTS teacher, I provide high-quality feedback on your writing, highlighting areas for improvement and giving you personalized tips to help you achieve your desired band score

Accurate IELTS Writing Correction

I offer thorough correction of your IELTS writing, ensuring that your grammar, vocabulary, and overall structure meet the standards of the IELTS exam. My expertise in the IELTS exam enables me to provide you with accurate corrections that will help you improve your writing skills.

Detailed IELTS Writing Scoring

I provide an accurate scoring of your IELTS writing, giving you a clear understanding of your current band score and what you need to do to achieve a higher score. My in-depth scoring analysis will help you identify areas of improvement, so you can focus on enhancing your writing skills and achieving your desired score.

Experienced IELTS Examiner

With years of experience as an IELTS teacher, I have a deep understanding of the exam and what examiners are looking for. I have graded hundreds of IELTS writing papers and have a keen eye for what makes a successful essay. My experience and expertise mean that you can trust me to provide you with accurate feedback and help you achieve your desired score.

مهدی فکاری مدرس آیلتس

1 ماهه

4 تست
هزار تومان 800
  • 4 تست کامل
  • 8 فیدبک متنی
  • نمره دهی با معیار آیلتس
  • نمونه متن های نمره 8 با فیدبک
  • ویدئوهای آموزشی

3 ماهه

14 تست
میلیون تومان 2
  • 14 تست کامل
  • 28 فیدبک متنی
  • نمره دهی با معیار آیلتس
  • نمونه متن های نمره 8 با فیدبک
  • ویدئوهای آموزشی

3 ماهه

10 تست
میلیون تومان 3
  • 10 تست کامل
  • 28 فیدبک متنی و صوتی
  • نمره دهی با معیار آیلتس
  • نمونه متن های نمره 8 با فیدبک
  • ویدئوهای آموزشی

I understand that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to writing, and that’s why I take a personalized approach to each client. I take the time to understand your unique writing style and provide feedback that is tailored to your needs. My goal is to help you improve your writing skills and achieve your desired IELTS score in the most efficient and effective way possible.