

  • Read the short piece about Daniel Tammet, who is considered by many to be a genius. Being a genius does not mean that all aspects of your life are easy or even that you are good at everything. Daniel is very good at some things but challenged by others. Pay attention to the boldfaced words. Try to understand them from the context.

Autism and autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) are names given to groups of complex developmental disorders involving the brain. Some of the symptoms of these disorders are a problem with verbal and non-verbal social interaction, the display of repetitive behavior, and an inability to be flexible. Many people with ASD compensate for these problems and are able to be high functioning and lead “normal” lives; others are more disabled by the disorder.

ASD is an umbrella term that includes many subcategories. One of these subcategories is autistic savants. Psychologists estimate that 10 percent of people with ASD have some savant abilities. An autistic savant is a person with an unusual ability, skill, or knowledge that is much more developed than that of an average person. Many savants are able to retain large amounts of information in their memory. For example, some autistic savants can recite entire dictionaries or telephone books word for word. Others are able to draw detailed maps of an area after flying over it once in a helicopter. Although the autistic savant has these specific abilities or skills, he or she may have difficulty with other types of mental or physical tasks.

Daniel Tammet is an autistic savant. Like many people with ASD, he benefits from leading a predictable life. In other words, he has fewer problems if his life has structure and routine. If it does not, he may become anxious. One of Daniel’s special abilities is in mathematics; he is able to almost immediately solve complex multiplication problems. When he does this, he sees each number he is multiplying as an image. These images transform into a third image, which is the sum. Why autistic savants have these special abilities is a question that still has no definitive answer.

  • Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

  1. No one is sure of the exact number of autistic savants there are in the world, but experts …….. that there are fewer than 100.
  2. Studies indicate that one hemisphere of a savant’s brain may …….. for damage to the other hemisphere.
  3. It is amazing how much information a small USB drive can ………. .
  1. Children may feel …….. about their first day in a new school because they don’t know what to expect.
  2. For me, it is very hard to change my plans because I am not very ……… .
  3. Although savants have amazing abilities and knowledge, in other areas of their lives they may appear to be……… .
  4. Because I know him so well, sam’s reaction to my suggestion was very……….. .
  1. It is sometimes hard for people who are shy to engage in social ………, especially with people they don’t know well.
  2. Finding the ……… of 20×3 in your head is not difficult.
  3. A(n) ………. Can exhibit amazing mental powers and is able to memorize huge amounts of information.
  4. One ……. Of my new job is health insurance, and another is two weeks of paid vacation.
  5. Even though Daniel had not been to Paris in many tears, he still had a clear …….. in his mind of what his hotel looked like.

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