Happiness and its Surprises

Happiness and its surprises

Words & Synonyms

  1. Pursuit: following
  2. Obligatory: compulsory, mandatory
  3. Medicate: cure
  4. Homicide: killing, murder
  5. Absolutely: completely, entirely
  6. Misery: calamity, disaster
  7. Endogenous: internal, inner
  8. Pleasure: enjoyment, gratification
  9. Perceive: understand, comprehend
  10. Protect: guard, secure, guard
  11. Rough: harsh, tough
  12. Contribution: participation, cooperation
  13. Attractive: appealing, charming
  14. Crinkle: wrinkle
  15. Imitate: mimic, simulate
  16. Satisfaction: consent
  17. Value: wealth
  18. Suggest: recommend, offer
  19. Income: revenue
  20. Particularly: especially



  1. What causes the number of suicides to be more than homicides in the U.S?
  2. Is there a direct relationship between happiness and unhappiness? Explain.
  3. According to the speaker`s speech, emotions are not just feelings so what are their other functions?
  4. Why do people need to focus on the self-other instead of self and self-esteem?
  5. What kind of change occurs in the people`s life who underwent a quantum change?

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