Plastic Surgery Changes Your Life and Helps You Go Far

آموزش زبان انگلیسی و آیلتس با آکادمی آیلتس فکاری

همونطور که میدونید خوندن مداوم متون انگلیسی میتونه خیلی سریع مهارت‌های انگلیسی شما رو بالا ببره. شاید شنیده باشید که خیلی‌ها خوندن کتاب داستان به زبان انگلیسی رو معرفی می‌کنند. در آزمون آیلتس لازمه که شما در کنار سرعت خوندن ِ بالا، توانایی خوبی در درک مطلب هم داشته باشید. برای این کار لازمه که حداقل روزی یک متن را به طور کامل بخونید و تمرین کنید. آکادمی فکاری در کنار فروش دوره‌های جامع آموزش مهارت‌های آیلتس این امکان رو برای شما فراهم کرده که بتونید متون بیشتری رو بخونید و تمرین کنید. خب بریم که باهم یک متن رو بخونیم و تمرین کنیم:


Plastic Surgery Changes Your Life and Helps You Go Far

You don’t need to despair yourself about the shape of your nose any more. Your sunken cheeks can no longer wear away your beauty. Going bald will no more disturb you as a matter of grave distress in your life. You will certainly stop obsessing about the structure of your eyes and eyebrows if they don’t make a bow for an arrow. A deep sense of disappointment can never overwhelm you if your wrinkled face makes you look older than your age. If your obesity and your double chin bother you; if you are lean in flesh, never fear! Thanks to medical achievements, all of the abovementioned worries and some others likewise will simply go away with a humble operation that is plastic surgery. 

This modem trend which at first seemed to be a passing fad has seriously come into vogue in recent years due to a variety of reasons. It has rather become a growing craze among people. Plastic surgery can boost your career. More men and women today go under the knife to move up the corporate ladder and some say it makes sense. Today, there’s increasing research saying that appearance matters in jobs, especially beyond the silver screen. Many women believe that a beautiful face can catapult you to stardom. This idea really holds water. Beautiful people have more opportunities for advancement. So it’s not a real surprise that plastic surgery is being deployed as an instrument of career advancement by men and women. In the corporate world, there’s a lot of emphasis on image. A positive first impression can take place only when no appearance deficiency catches the eyes of job interviewers. This is not a personal matter. A better look has public approval and acceptance and can be a sight for sore eyes. Ugly Duckling was outcast due to her ugliness. 

Apart from the career, one’s image can help bolster his self-confidence. A man might deprive himself of the public appearance and some social occasions just because he has gone bald. He might notice the eyes aiming at him since people’s scrutinizing eyes are always armed to find fault with each other. To get rid of this horrible condition, that man has to undergo a hair implant, no matter if it costs a pretty penny. This will help him turn out a new person and find his feet. A teenager might suffer from terrible teenage acne which might imprison him or her at home. 

For teens with acne, microdermabrasion can remove the upper layers of the skin and improve skin irregularities. This can also help remove acne scars. The interviewed teenagers with nose irregularities have unanimously confessed that a simple Rhinoplasty (nose job) has undoubtedly changed their lives and bestowed them with a high self-esteem. If you are not satisfied with the shape of your eyebrows, just a modest tattoo will generously contribute a lot to your outward beauty. If you have got some lines around your eyes, which are simply the signs of aging, you can easily have botox injection. Then you will certainly bask in people’s attention. 

Sometimes, no deficiency is found on the whole anatomy save one part and that one part may deform the entire structure of the outward appearance. Ears might be a little longer, nose is too big for the face, eyebrows are too thick, or the head is deserted. If a simple operation will adjust the jigsaw of beauty, why must one hesitate. One who hesitates is lost. Here plastic surgery is one of the must-dos of one’s life. 

One more point which does not sound as a medical treatment pertains to fashion. Fashion -conscious teenagers have found it a new trend to palliate their avarice for beauty by having rhinoplasty. No parental deterrent measures can make them surrender. They have the right to look good. They think they have nothing less than their peers, even if they are not proper candidates for plastic surgery. The only thing they know is that they should not fall behind in this fiercely competitive world. This peer pressure urges them to volunteer for plastic surgery through thick and thin. 

Not all plastic surgeries are done solely because of cosmetic purposes. Some facial irregularities are caused by accidents, fights, and battles. Children might bump themselves in a bonfire trying to celebrate some special occasions. Some men or women might be battle-scarred. These victims can not tolerate standing in front of the mirror and seeing their scarred faces. Some people might also have congenital abnormalities. It is right at this time that plastic surgery, or better to say, a reconstructive surgery comes in, without which the miserable fellows would have to live in misery with a mask of shame on their faces. By the way, when there is a cure for almost all diseases, irregularities, and deficiencies, don’t you think it is stupidity if you waste your life in hesitated pondering? 

ریدینگ آزمون آیلتس:

همونطور که میدونید آزمون آیلتس آکادمیک و جنرال هر کدوم به ترتیب 3 و 5 متن داره. این متن‌ها دارای درجه سختی متفاوتی هستند و ممکنه برای کسایی که تازه شروع به خوندن ِآیلتس کردن این بخش خیلی سخت و وقت‌گیر باشه. آکادمی فکاری در کنار دوره‌های جامع آموزش آیلتس پیشنهاد میکنه که حتما قبل از آزمون آیلتس خوندن و تمرین کردن متون رو در برنامه خودتون قرار بدین. برای تقویت مهارت درک مطلب هم حتما سوال‌های درک مطلب رو از هر متن پاسخ بدین. اگه موافق باشید الان وقتشه که چندتا از سوال‌های درک مطلب رو باهم تمرین کنیم:


Comprehension questions

1. What worries or concerns can be addressed through plastic surgery according to the passage?

2. Why has plastic surgery become increasingly popular in recent years?

3. In what ways can plastic surgery impact a person’s career?

4. How can plastic surgery contribute to a person’s self-confidence?

5. What are some non-cosmetic reasons for undergoing plastic surgery mentioned in the passage?

6. What motivates fashion-conscious teenagers to seek plastic surgery according to the passage?

اهمیت واژگان:

داشتن دامنه لغت کافی یکی از جنبه‌های مهم آزمون آیلتسه، چرا که نقشی حیاتی در تعیین نمره فرد در آزمون داره. آزمون آیلتس توانایی یک داوطلب در برقراری ارتباط به زبان انگلیسی را ارزیابی می‌کنه و دایره لغات گسترده برای برقراری یک ارتباط موثر واقعا ضروریه. دایره لغات قوی میتونه به داوطلب کمک کنه تا منظور خودش رو  دقیق‌تر و روان‌تر بیان کنه، که یک عامل کلیدی در کسب نمره بالاست. متنی که باهم خوندیم لغات مهم زیادی داشت که میتونید معنی هرکدوم رو در ادامه یاد بگیرید و تمرین کنید:



1. Despair (verb): to feel or show extreme discouragement or sadness.

Example: You don’t need to despair yourself about the shape of your nose anymore.

2. Sunken (adjective): concave or depressed, often referring to a hollow appearance.

Example: Your sunken cheeks can no longer wear away your beauty.

3. Grave (adjective): very serious or severe.

Example: Going bald will no more disturb you as a matter of grave distress in your life.

4. Obsess (verb): to preoccupy or constantly occupy the mind.

Example: You will certainly stop obsessing about the structure of your eyes and eyebrows.

5. Deficiency (noun): a lack or insufficiency.

Example: Sometimes, no deficiency is found on the whole anatomy save one part.

6. Vogue (noun): the prevailing fashion or style at a particular time.

Example: This modern trend has seriously come into vogue in recent years.

7. Boost (verb): to increase or improve.

Example: Plastic surgery can boost your career.

8. Corporate (adjective): relating to a corporation or business.

Example: More men and women today go under the knife to move up the corporate ladder.

9. Advancement (noun): progress or promotion to a higher position.

Example: Beautiful people have more opportunities for advancement.

10. Emphasis (noun): special importance or significance given to something.

Example: In the corporate world, there’s a lot of emphasis on image.

11. Impression (noun): a perception or opinion formed about someone or something.

Example: A positive first impression can take place only when no appearance deficiency catches the eyes of job interviewers.

12. Deficiency (noun): a lack or insufficiency.

Example: A better look has public approval and acceptance and can be a sight for sore eyes.

13. Bolster (verb): to support or strengthen.

Example: One’s image can help bolster his self-confidence.

14. Deprive (verb): to deny someone of something.

Example: A man might deprive himself of the public appearance due to baldness.

15. Scrutinizing (adjective): examining or inspecting closely and thoroughly.

Example: People’s scrutinizing eyes are always armed to find fault with each other.

16. Implant (noun): a surgical insertion of a medical device or substance.

Example: That man has to undergo a hair implant to overcome baldness.

17. Acne (noun): a skin condition characterized by pimples or blemishes.

Example: A teenager might suffer from terrible teenage acne.

18. Microdermabrasion (noun): a cosmetic procedure to remove the upper layers of the skin.

Example: For teens with acne, microdermabrasion can improve skin irregularities.

19. Rhinoplasty (noun): a surgical procedure to reshape or reconstruct the nose.

Example: The interviewed teenagers with nose irregularities confessed that Rhinoplasty changed their lives.

20. Outward (adjective): relating to appearance or external features.

Example: A modest tattoo will contribute to your outward beauty.

21. Botox (noun): a drug used to temporarily reduce wrinkles and fine lines.

Example: If you have lines around your eyes, you can easily have a botox injection.

22. Deform (verb): to distort the natural shape or structure.

Example: One part may deform the entire structure of the outward appearance.

23. Jigsaw (noun): a puzzle consisting of irregularly shaped interlocking pieces.

Example: If a simple operation will adjust the jigsaw of beauty, why must one hesitate?

24. Palliate (verb): to alleviate.

Example: there is no way to excuse or palliate his dirty deed.


داشتن تسلط کافی در اصطلاحات انگلیسی نقش مهمی در افزایش سطح زبان شما داره. برای اینکه بتونید هرچه بیشتر اطلاعات خودتون رو در این زمینه افزایش بدید لازمه که اصطلاحات رو در متونی که میخونید یاد بگیرید و در مکالمات روزمره از اونها استفاده کنید. متنی که با هم خوندیم چندتا اصطلاح کاربردی داشت و اگه موافق باشید بریم باهم تمرینشون کنیم:



1. “Go far” : to achieve success or make significant progress.

Example: Plastic surgery can help you go far in your career.

2. “Wear away” : to erode or diminish gradually over time.

Example: Sunken cheeks can no longer wear away your beauty.

3. “Disturb someone” : to cause distress or discomfort.

Example: Going bald will no more disturb you as a matter of grave distress.

4. “Catch someone’s eye” : to attract someone’s attention.

Example: A positive first impression can take place only when no appearance deficiency catches the eyes of job interviewers.

5. “Hold water” : to be valid or logical; to make sense.

Example: The idea that a beautiful face can catapult you to stardom really holds water.

6. “Bolster one’s confidence” : to strengthen or enhance one’s confidence.

Example: A man might undergo a hair implant to bolster his self-confidence.

7. “Find fault with” : to criticize or point out flaws in someone or something.

Example: People’s scrutinizing eyes are always armed to find fault with each other.

8. “Cost a pretty penny” : to be expensive; to cost a significant amount of money.

Example: Undergoing a hair implant might cost a pretty penny, but it can help you find your feet.

9. “Turn out a new person” : to undergo a significant change or transformation.

Example: A hair implant can help a person turn out a new person and regain their confidence.

10. “Through thick and thin” : through all difficulties and challenges; in good times and bad.

Example: Peer pressure urges fashion-conscious teenagers to volunteer for plastic surgery through thick and thin.

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