Teenagers Think Their Parents Are Their Enemies

آموزش زبان انگلیسی و آیلتس با آکادمی آیلتس فکاری

حتما تا به حال شنیدید که خوندن متون انگلیسی در تقویت مهارت‌های زبانی نقش به سزایی داره. با تمرین کردن مداوم متون انگلیسی شما میتونید هم توانایی درک مطلب خودتون رو افزایش بدید و هم با نحوه نگارش درست یک متن آشنا بشید. در واقع خوندن متون انگلیسی به طور مداوم نه تنها مهارت شما رو در قسمت ریدینگ بلکه در زمینه‌های دیگه مثل Writing‌ و Speaking افزایش میده. آکادمی فکاری در کنار فروش دوره‌های جامع آموزش آیلتس این امکان رو فراهم کرده تا شما بتونید متن‌های متنوع و بیشتری رو بخونید و تمرین کنید. حالا بریم که یک متن جدید رو باهم بخونیم :


Teenagers Think Their Parents Are Their Enemies

Never have I come across a father or a mother who is not kind of fed up with their teenager’s misdemeanor. The supportive parents have always had a soft spot in their hearts for their children. When their teenage offspring enter the dreaded and problematic teen years, they look back nostalgically on the days when their children just babbled their thoughts, were cute and adoring, and hung onto every word that their parents said. Sometimes, no word was articulated as an order. Parents gesticulated at their children and children obediently took all their orders. They were so sensitive to non-verbal communication and could easily pick up the atmosphere. But as soon as they break through their vocal disabilities and a five o’clock shadow appears on their faces, children start to rule the roost at home. They rudely turn a deaf ear to their parents’ advice or demand. The sweet angels of yesterday begin to act in a way that their parents are their worst enemies. This is the time when teenagers try to become individuals in their own rights and try to move out of the protective wings of their parents, seemingly they want to cut the apron strings. 

The teenager’s aberrant, illogical, and unbecoming behavior which is quite out of character makes sense only for himself. Teenagers give their parents the brush-off and unfairly claim that their parents are unaware and ignorant of their needs and conditions and as a result of this ignorance, they circle the wagons. They believe in the fallacy that their parents belong to ‘Stone age’ and act accordingly. Teenagers desire to be given liberty to steep themselves in enjoyment with no circumscriptions. Teens do not want to have their parents’ vigilant eyes on their affairs. At this very moment when parents come to advise their teens, they take their words for granted. Of course parents can not and should not throw in the towel and let their teens run wild without any supervision, if so their teens will certainly run up against difficulties. Today due to the chaotic conditions in almost all societies, parents are far too worried about the apples of their eyes. Unfortunately, it will take the naive teens a long time to understand this parental anxiety. 

Teenagers assume that their parents are evil dictators just because sometimes poor caring parents give their growing teens a curfew or object to their clothes, the kind of music they listen to, or their marked hairstyle. Here, generation gap becomes a vogue word and teenagers find themselves and their parents on the opposite side of the fence not having any meeting ground. The recalcitrant teenagers act differently on the only pretext that they have been born to a technological world of which the literature seems absolutely vague for their old parents. It should stick in everybody’s mind that for these old parents, technology has been summarized in two words; courtesy and respect, the very words which we hardly find in teens’ dictionaries. 

Sometimes, teens treat their parents in a way that they feel a little like discarded shoes and even worse than that as a fifth wheel. Parents are just seen not heard in the families. In these unfair conditions, parents have to whistle past the graveyard. Teens assume that there is no need to consult with their old parents. They mistakenly think that their parents do not know beans about the new age and might not live up to the standards of the modern world. They must take into consideration the fact that their patents’ old ideas do not hinder them from moving on, but rather are illuminating for them in the dark road of life. Teens go far through their parents’ good offices. Unfortunately, some teens dare to have swollen heads and strut like a rooster in front of their parents just to prove that they have outgrown their clothes; have something to say, and can paddle their own canoes. They want to have a mind of their own. When parents come to tell the old stories of how they treated their fathers when they were their age, the teens’ ridiculous chortle silences them abruptly. 

Teens must try to take in the fact that no father would indubitably tolerate the child’s failure. Both father and mother keep their fingers crossed for their children. It is certainly honorable for the parents to witness their children walking step by step towards the climax of success with flying colors. The final word is that one thing is for sure. Courtesy and respect, as aforementioned, do not have any expiration. Teens do not have the right to cast an icy stare at their adorable parents claiming that these old parents have lived their lives and should kiss everything goodbye in their teens’ favor. No matter what happens, parents dote upon their children and stand by them forever.

ریدینگ آزمون آیلتس:

همونطور که میدونید آزمون آیلتس آکادمیک و جنرال هر کدوم به ترتیب 3 و 5 متن داره. این متن‌ها دارای درجه سختی متفاوتی هستند و ممکنه برای کسایی که تازه شروع به خوندن ِآیلتس کردن این بخش خیلی سخت و وقت‌گیر باشه. آکادمی فکاری در کنار دوره‌های جامع آموزش آیلتس پیشنهاد میکنه که حتما قبل از آزمون آیلتس خوندن و تمرین کردن متون رو در برنامه خودتون قرار بدین. برای تقویت مهارت درک مطلب هم حتما سوال‌های درک مطلب رو از هر متن پاسخ بدین. اگه موافق باشید الان وقتشه که چندتا از سوال‌های درک مطلب رو باهم تمرین کنیم:

Comprehension questions

1. What changes in behavior do teenagers exhibit when they enter the teen years?

2. Why do teenagers believe their parents are unaware of their needs and conditions?

3. What is the teenagers’ perception of technology compared to their parents’ perception?

4. How do some teenagers treat their parents in unfair conditions?

5. Why do teenagers believe their parents’ old ideas are not illuminating for them?

6. What do parents expect to see in their children as they grow up?

اهمیت واژگان:

داشتن دامنه لغت کافی یکی از جنبه‌های مهم آزمون آیلتسه، چرا که نقشی حیاتی در تعیین نمره فرد در آزمون داره. آزمون آیلتس توانایی یک داوطلب در برقراری ارتباط به زبان انگلیسی را ارزیابی می‌کنه و دایره لغات گسترده برای برقراری یک ارتباط موثر واقعا ضروریه. دایره لغات قوی میتونه به داوطلب کمک کنه تا منظور خودش رو  دقیق‌تر و روان‌تر بیان کنه، که یک عامل کلیدی در کسب نمره بالاست. متنی که باهم خوندیم لغات مهم زیادی داشت که میتونید معنی هرکدوم رو در ادامه یاد بگیرید و تمرین کنید:



1. misdemeanor (noun) – a minor wrongdoing or offense

Example: The teenager’s misdemeanor was staying out past curfew.

2. soft spot (noun) – a strong affection or fondness for someone or something

Example: The supportive parents always had a soft spot in their hearts for their children.

3. nostalgic (adjective) – characterized by a sentimental longing for the past

Example: When their teenage offspring enter the teen years, parents look back nostalgically on the days when their children were young.

4. obediently (adverb) – in a manner that shows compliance or willingness to obey

Example: The children obediently took all their parents’ orders.

5. roost (noun) – a place where birds, especially domestic fowl, perch or rest

Example: Children start to rule the roost at home when they become teenagers.

6. apron strings (noun) – a metaphorical reference to a mother’s authority or control

Example: Teenagers try to move out of the protective wings of their parents, seemingly wanting to cut the apron strings.

7. aberrant (adjective) – departing from the normal or expected course

Example: The teenager’s aberrant behavior was quite out of character.

8. fallacy (noun) – a mistaken belief or idea

Example: Teenagers believe in the fallacy that their parents belong to the “Stone age.”

9. circumscriptions (noun) – limitations or restrictions

Example: Teenagers desire to be given liberty with no circumscriptions.

10. vigilant (adjective) – watchful and alert

Example: Teens do not want to have their parents’ vigilant eyes on their affairs.

11. parental (adjective) – relating to or characteristic of a parent or parents

Example: Parents are far too worried about the apples of their eyes.

12. naïve (adjective) – lacking experience or sophistication

Example: It will take the naive teens a long time to understand parental anxiety.

13. dictators (noun) – people who exercise absolute power or control

Example: Teenagers assume their parents are evil dictators.

14. curfew (noun) – a time set by authorities when people must be off the streets or at home

Example: Some parents give their teens a curfew for safety reasons.

15. generation gap (noun) – differences in attitudes, beliefs, and values between younger and older generations

Example: The generation gap creates a divide between teenagers and their parents.

16. recalcitrant (adjective) – stubbornly resistant to authority or control

Example: The recalcitrant teenagers act differently due to the generation gap.

17. vague (adjective) – not clearly or precisely expressed or stated

Example: The literature of the technological world seems absolutely vague to their old parents.

18. discarded (adjective) – thrown away or abandoned as no longer useful or desirable

Example: Teens treat their parents as discarded shoes, feeling unimportant.

19. unfair (adjective) – not just or equitable

Example: In these unfair conditions, parents have to whistle past the graveyard.

20. hinder (verb) – to create difficulties or obstacles

Example: The parents’ old ideas do not hinder teens from moving on.

21. swollen heads (noun) – exaggerated self-importance or arrogance

Example: Some teens have swollen heads and strut in front of their parents.

22. rooster (noun) – a male domestic fowl, especially a male chicken

Example: Some teens strut like a rooster to prove their independence.

23. dote upon (verb) – to show excessive fondness or love for someone.

Example: She doted on her new grandchild.


داشتن تسلط کافی در اصطلاحات انگلیسی نقش مهمی در افزایش سطح زبان شما داره. برای اینکه بتونید هرچه بیشتر اطلاعات خودتون رو در این زمینه افزایش بدید لازمه که اصطلاحات رو در متونی که میخونید یاد بگیرید و در مکالمات روزمره از اونها استفاده کنید. متنی که با هم خوندیم چندتا اصطلاح کاربردی داشت و اگه موافق باشید بریم باهم تمرینشون کنیم:


1. “Rule the roost”  – to be in charge or have control over a situation or place.

Example: Once the parents left for the weekend, the teenagers ruled the roost at home.

2. “Turn a deaf ear”  – to ignore or refuse to listen to someone.

Example: The teenager turned a deaf ear to his parents’ warnings about staying out late.

3. “Worst enemies”  – people who are considered the most hostile or opposed to each other.

Example: During adolescence, teenagers often see their parents as their worst enemies.

4. “Cut the apron strings”  – to become independent from one’s parents or guardians.

Example: When they turn 18, many teenagers are eager to cut the apron strings and live on their own.

5. “Circle the wagons”  – to unite or come together in defense or protection against a perceived threat.

Example: When faced with criticism, teenagers tend to circle the wagons and defend each other.

6. “Throw in the towel”  – to give up or surrender.

Example: Parents should never throw in the towel and stop guiding their teenagers.

7. “Apples of their eyes”  – people who are cherished and loved above all others.

Example: Although they may argue, parents consider their children as the apples of their eyes.

8. “Whistle past the graveyard”  – to try to stay cheerful or optimistic in the face of danger or adversity.

Example: In difficult times, parents often have to whistle past the graveyard to maintain a positive attitude.

9. “Cast an icy stare”  – to look at someone with a cold, unfriendly expression.

Example: The teenager cast an icy stare at his parents when they confronted him about his grades.

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